Are you tired of paying hundreds of dollars for television you don’t watch? Your not alone! Today I’m going to recommend some services to help majorly reduce your bill.
Recently I called our Network provider “Comcast” by Xfinity. Our bill was over $210.03 for our basic services. I wanted to get to the bottom of this.
For Xfinity tripple play with we had Tv, Internet and Home phone bundled. She told me that the bundled package we had was $119. We had 3 cable boxes. (One was included). So for each extra box the charge was 9.95 per month. That totaled up to about $20. Then there was a “HD” fee of $10. That made tv an extra $30. Then the internet gateway costed an extra $10 (I didn’t have a problem with this charge, If there was a hardware problem or if a faster box was available Xfinity would replace it at no extra cost.) Then Home phone was included at no extra cost. That totaled up to be $40 in extras making the bill 159.00 est. We had HBO included as well. Not a bad price! But then theres taxes and more fees!!! Then taxes were about $20.54 a month. That added up to be $179.50 But with Comcast your allowed a certain amount of data along with your speeds. Our monthly limit was 1,000 GB and speeds at 100MB per second. (Blast Pro). This seems like a good deal right? Well its not. The speeds have peek hour as well. (Say I used 200GB and my neighbor uses 100GB Xfinity prioritized my neighbor over me, despite I pay more! (Sounds messed up right!). If you went over that limit you would get $30 fees!
Our television package came with 190+ channels. (4 that I watch). I use Netflix and YouTube mainly. My mother watches the news and HBO.
We would use a ton of data every month. Of course I use more then my mother but still! So after hitting the data limit back in October 2016 we received a $30 fee. After that every month our speeds would decrease. Apparently thats because people will use less data with slower speeds! Thats Crazy!!
So this month I got my mom to switch to T. Mobile with me. $100 for unlimited! We canceled the Home phone due to the number getting leaked on YouTube. We have returned and canceled TV and Home Phone. We now pay about $60 just for Internet with NO data limit or contract!!!
Now my point of this story is if you need to save money cut the cable! Get extremely fast internet. Then but devices such as the Chromecast, Apple TV, or the Amazon fire stick. Streaming tv is a lot cheaper then Cable.
Lets break it down!
Im paying $60 for 100MB per second internet.
$10 for Netflix
$8 for Hulu
$18 just for TV!!! No box rentals or fees just TV!
Now my point of this story is if you need to save money cut the cable! Get extremely fast internet. Then but devices such as the Chromecast, Apple TV, or the Amazon fire stick. Streaming tv is a lot cheaper then Cable.
Lets break it down!
Im paying $60 for 100MB per second internet.
$10 for Netflix
$8 for Hulu
$18 just for TV!!! No box rentals or fees just TV!
Product mentioned in this article: Xfinity, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon, Google, Apple